Utah International Charter School is a Title I Targeted Assistance school. This means we receive some federal funds to provide services to students with the greatest academic needs. We spend these funds for supplementary reading instruction, math instruction, English language instruction, college counseling, and summer school.
Title I requires us to tell parents which teachers are and are not considered “highly qualified” for their assignments. Highly qualified means that the teacher’s Utah educator license and subject endorsements exactly matches his or her courses. All Utah International teachers have a bachelors or masters degree and either have or are obtaining a Utah secondary educator’s license.
Kristie Bauer (music) has a level 1 secondary music license and is considered highly qualified for her assignment.
Jack Benton (visual art) has a professional secondary visual art license and is considered highly qualified for his assignment.
Timothy Chan (biology) has a professional secondary biology license and is considered highly qualified for his assignment.
Chelsea Diem (English) has a level 1 secondary English license and is considered highly qualified for her assignment.
Ivy Farguheson (assistant principal) is earning her PhD in education and working on her school administration license.
Jamilya Hankishiyeva (social studies) has a level 2 secondary social studies license and is considered highly qualified for her assignment.
Dzana Hercinovic (English) has a level one secondary English license and is considered highly qualified for her assignment.
Amelie Heyse (social studies) has a level 2 secondary social studies license with endorsements in financial literacy and Spanish. She is considered highly qualified for her assignment.
Marty Kasteler (special education) has a level 1 special education license and is considered highly qualified for his assignment.
Andrew Maguire (middle school science) has an associate’s license, is working towards his full license, and is considered highly qualified for his position.
Mimi Marstaller (English) has a level 1 secondary English license and is considered highly qualified for her assignment.
Tracy McDiarmid (mathematics) has a level 1 secondary mathematics licenses. She is considered highly qualified for her assignment.
Usha Narra (physics) is a licensed secondary teacher endorsed to teach all math classes, physics, and physical science. She is considered highly qualified for her assignment.
Ashlee Mullender (health/PE) is a licensed secondary teacher endorsed to teach health. She is considered highly qualified for her assignments.
Keiko Nenbee (mathematics) has a professional secondary mathematics license and is considered highly qualified for her job.
Jean Bosco Ntahontuye (math) has a level 2 secondary mathematics license with an endorsement in French. He is considered highly qualified for his assignment.
Desirae Patchett (special education) has a secondary social studies license and is in the ARL program to become highly qualified in special education.
Angela Rowland (principal) has a Utah educator license for school administration, school social work, and secondary psychology. She is considered highly qualified.
Lara Rudloff (counselor) has a Utah license in guidance counseling and is considered highly qualified for her assignment.
Nicole Taylor (social studies) has a secondary social studies license and is considered highly qualified for her assignment.
Kim Warren (English) has a level 2 secondary English license. She is considered highly qualified for her assignment.
Our four para-educators, Narad Sapkota, Alya Al Mashhaddani, Abdiweli Abdow, and Alana Boynton all have bachelors degrees and teaching experience and are considered highly qualified for their positions.
Beginning in 2019, Utah International is considered a Title 1 “turnaround” school. Our test scores are low because standardized tests are not accessible for English learners. We will receive some extra funding and will work with an educational consultant to expand services to students.