
Utah International is seeking responsible, friendly volunteers to fill the following roles:

  • Classroom helper:  Work one-to-one or with a small group of students, helping them to get and stay engaged in their task.  One or more consistent hours per week required.
  • Mentoring: Assist a student with homework, life skills, and college and career planning.   About two hours per week over an extendede period.
  • Light maintenance/odd jobs:  Painting, yardwork, sprinkler repair, etc.  Variable as needed.

Volunteers working directly with students must undergo a criminal background check.

Potential volunteers should contact Tessa Scheffler at 385 290-1306 or email her at tscheffler@utahinternational.org.  Potential mentors should contact George Kamungu:  gkamungu@utahinternational.org.

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