Academic Vocabulary list
BBC Languages Online courses, tests, and activities in English and 33 languages
BBC Teachers Online activities for basic academic skills practice
Buck Institute for Education Videos, articles, and resources on project-based learning
Bridging Refugee Youth & Children’s Services Background information, resources, best practices and strategies for working with refugee youth and families
Class Zone Online textbooks and other resources
Cultural Orientation Resource Center Information about refugee groups
Enchanted Learning Pictures, diagrams, maps, graphic organizers, many free
English Language Learner Resources Complied by UEN
Everything ESL ESL teacher’s blog by Judy Haynes
Google Chrome Apps Store Huge array of educational apps for Chromebooks or any computer with Google Chrome downloaded
INPS I Share INPS curriculum and lesson plans
Language Magazine Heritage French and the importance of retaining first languages.
Larry Ferlazzo Secondary ESL teacher’s blog
Learner’s Dictionary Create your own dictionary, practice pronunciation, build vocabulary
Learning the Language EdWeek blog for ESL teachers
Librivox Free audio recordings of thousands of public domain books to play on computer or MP3 device
Mango Language Free world language courses through Salt Lake County library
National Curriculum Standards for Social Studies
Newsela News articles in multiple subjects at multiple reading levels, some with reading quizzes
Next Generation Science Standards
OnTrack Professional development tracker by USOE
Project Gutenberg Books in the public domain, downloadable to computer or device, free
RIMS Learning materials reviewed by USOE
SAGE portal Information and training tests for Utah’s new end-of-level tests
Schmoop Practice for ACT and PLAN
SIOP Collaborize Classroom Blog and resources for ESL teaching
Supporting Students New to America: UEN Resources
Teach With Tech Tools Blog for free tech resources for teaching
TESOL Resources for ESL teachers
Universal Class Free online non-credit courses through SL County Library
Using English Resources for teachers
WestEd Research and resources on best practices, including ESL