COVID-19 Prevention Plan

Updated August 17, 2021. ARP ESSER Plan is posted at the bottom of this page.

Those old enough to get the COVID-19 vaccine should get it immediately, to protect themselves, their families, and other students. When 80% of our students are vaccinated, we can bring back indoor sports and probably eliminate the mask requirement.

Masks are strongly recommended for all and are required for students and adults who are not fully vaccinated (two weeks past their second vaccine).  Vaccinated people must wear a badge indicating that they are vaccinated, if they choose not to wear a mask. Parents with concerns about this policy should contact the principal.

Masks must cover the nose, mouth and chin, must consist of at least two layers of fabric, and must be kept on when inside the building except while eating.   A student who doesn’t wear his or her mask properly cannot attend class and may be sent home.  Masks are available at school for $1 each.

Students and staff are required to sanitize their hands upon entering the building and before eating, and should wash hands thoroughly with soap and water as often as possible.  Students must thoroughly clean their places after eating, and should not share food, drinks, or utensils.

Students and staff must maintain at least 3 feet of distance whenever possible.

Please keep your student home, call the school and take your student for a COVID-19 test if your student has
one of these symptoms:

  • cough
  • shortness of breath
  • difficulty breathing
  • fever over 100 degrees
  • chills
  • loss of taste or smell

or two of these symptoms:

  • headache
  • muscle pain
  • sore throat
  • nausea or vomiting
  • diarrhea

If your student has symptoms at school or is exposed to someone with COVID-19 at school, he or she will be given a nasal rapid test at school and you will be informed of the results.  Your student will also be tested if we have a COVID outbreak (30 cases) at school.  A student with a positive COVID test must stay home for at least 10 days and until all symptoms have been gone for at least 24 hours.  If your student is exposed to COVID but has been vaccinated, he or she can continue to attend school, but must wear a mask.

Your student has a Chromebook, which should be taken home and brought to school every day.  The Chromebook makes learning more efficient and will enable your child to keep up on his or her work in case of a quarantine or school closure.   Please help your child keep the Chromebook away from food and liquid, and prevent the Chromebook from being dropped or smashed.

While your student will have school work and homework online, we are not offering remote learning this year, unless the school has to close because of an outbreak.  All students are expected to attend school every day unless they are ill or in quarantine.

With everyone’s cooperation, we can remain open for learning all year!

ARP/ESSER COVID-19 Mitigation Plan

Mitigation strategyUSBE and UDOH Guidance ResourcesLEA Response:
Universal and correct wearing of masks -page 105-109Utah International will require masking by non-vaccinated students and visitors, will encourage masking for all, and will require masking for all in compliance with future health department directives.
Physical distancing (e.g., including use of cohorts/podding) -page 101-102  Utah International will keep students and teachers at least 3 feet apart whenever possible, will have students travel in cohorts 85% of the time, and will modify the lunch schedule to enable distancing while students eat.
Handwashing and respiratory etiquette -page 109-111Utah International will continue to require hand sanitizing upon entry into the building and before breakfast, lunch and after school snack.  Teachers will continue to train students in the importance of handwashing and other disease prevention measures.
Cleaning and maintaining healthy facilities, including improving ventilation  -page 75-84Utah International will continue to sanitize frequently-touched surfaces and to change air filters frequently in the ventilation system.
Contact tracing in combination with isolation and quarantine, in collaboration with the State, local, territorial, or Tribal health departments – page 27-35Utah International will continue to keep track of positive cases, trace school contacts, and quarantine and isolate students and staff according to health department requirements.
Diagnostic and screening testing -page 37-43; 46-51; 52-56Utah International will provide rapid testing for COVID for school community members who are symptomatic or believe they may have been exposed, will perform “test to stay” as required, and will provide other testing as required by the health department.
Efforts to provide vaccinations to educators, other staff, and students, if eligible -page 57-59Utah International enabled 100% of staff to be fully vaccinated last year, provided two student and family vaccine clinics in May of 2021, two in August, and has one scheduled for September, 2021.  We will continue to provide and publicize clinics as long as the service is available and necessary.
Appropriate accommodations for children with disabilities with respect to the health and safety policies -page 106, 109, 114Utah International will continue to accommodate health requirements to meet the needs of students with disabilities.