Utah International will ensure that approval has been obtained from the Governor if the school to obtain and receive federal education funds via school-written grant applications or school-specific agreements.
Utah International will expend and account for Federal awards in accordance with Federal and State law and USBE Rules, including compliance with the USBE published chart of accounts. Utah International will comply with the provisions of 200.302, ensuring that financial management systems meets the minimum standards established in section (b)(1)-(7) including: 1) identification, and accurate, current, and complete disclosure, of federal awards and expenditures – including records of such; 2) effective control over all funds, property and other assets purchased with Federal funds, including adequately safeguarding all assets and ensuring they are used solely for authorized purposes; and 3) establishment of written procedures to 1) implement cash management requirements and 2) for the determination of allowability of costs in accordance with 2 CFR 200 Subpart E- Cost Principles parts 400-475; Utah International will comply with the provisions of 2 CFR 200 Subpart E, including: 4) Utah International has established written procedures and agrees to maintain documentation to provide sufficient evidence to support the determination of allowable direct costs, cost allocations, and application of indirect costs; 5) Utah International agrees to abide by the terms of the indirect costs’ agreement renewed annually between the USBE and Utah International; 6) Utah International has implemented adequate internal controls to ensure compliance with factors affecting the allowability of cost (2 CFR 200.420-475), in particular: a) 200.421 Advertising and public relations; b) 200.425 Audit services; c) 200.430 Compensation – personal services; d) 200.431- Compensation – fringe benefits; e) 200.434 Contributions and donations; f) 200.437 Employee health and welfare costs; g) 200.438 Entertainment costs; h) 200.442 Fund raising and investment management costs; i) 200.445 Goods or services for personal use; j) 200.449 Interest; k) 200.450 Lobbying; l) 200.469 Student activity costs; m) 200.474 Travel