Teachers, counselors and administrators will participate in suicide prevention training at least every three years. Link to CANVAS training: Youth Suicide Prevention Training for Employees
Staff will immediately refer any concern regarding suicide to a school counselor. In the absence of a counselor, staff should immediately refer student to the principal. Counselor or principal will meet with student to discuss safety.
If a student referred for suicidality states that he/she has not experiencedsuicidal thoughts at any point within the past month, anddoes not have a suicide plan, then counselor will contract for safety.
If a student reports having suicidal thoughts within the past month, without intent, then counselor will inform guardian and contract for safety with student. When the counselor informs guardian, the counselor will ask guardian if they would like to pick the student up from school or have the school release the student at the end of the day.
If a student reports suicidal thoughts and intent, counselor will inform guardian. Guardian will be required to pick up student from school, or release student into the care of another adult at the guardian’s request. If a guardian is unable or unwilling to pick up a student from school, or the school is unable to contact a guardian, then counselor will call the UNI Crisis Line at (801)587-3000. Counselors will follow the recommendations of the UNI Crisis Team.
If the UNI Crisis Team recommends that a student be hospitalized, the counselor may call Gold Cross Ambulance at (801)972-1211 or 911.
If a student reports suicidal thoughts and intent, then student will remain under adult line-of-sight supervision while in the Utah International building. Utah International cannot be responsible for how precautions are followed outside of school. If Utah International is unable to release a student into the care of a guardian or a guardian’s requested adult, counselor will call an ambulance or 911 at the end of the school day.
When guardians are contacted about possible suicidality, counselor will inform guardian that counselor is able to assist in providing a mental health referral. Counselor will also inform guardian that guardians should call 911 or take their student to the emergency room if they feel that they are unable to ensure the safety of their student.
A counselor may call 911 at any point.
In some situations (parent is home but has no transportation), a minimum of two school staff members may choose to transport a student to student’s home using a personal vehicle; however, it is never a requirement for staff to transport a student.
Counselors will inform school principal if parents are contacted regarding suicidality. Counselors will document meetings with students and communication with guardians regarding suicidality.