Suspension and Expulsion

In-School Suspension means the student is in the school building and required to remain in a room or hall supervised by administrative staff, but not allowed to attend class.  A student on in-school suspension may or may not be allowed to do school work and may be expected to make restitution or write a behavior essay while suspended.  Teachers typically will not be allowed to grade work due during the in-school suspension.  In-school suspension usually occurs immediately after an offense and lasts less than one school day.  Parents are notified during or soon after the suspension, and student and parent will receive a full explanation of the reasons for the in-school suspension.

Out-Of-School Suspension means the student is sent home and not allowed to re-enter the building until the suspension is completed and/or a parent meeting has taken place.  Parents will be notified immediately, and students under 14 will not be sent home until a parent has been reached and has picked up the student or given permission for him or her to leave the school.  Teachers will typically not grade (assign a zero to) work due during the out-of-school suspension.   Student and parent will receive a full explanation of the reasons for an out-of-school suspension.  If a suspension is to last for more than three full school days, parents and students will be given a scheduled opportunity to meet with the principal or designee.  The student and parent will be able to hear the evidence of wrong-doing and the reasons for the decision to suspend, and the principal or designee will hear what the student has to say.

Student’s non-attendance due to parent failure to schedule or keep appointments for due process will be considered unexcused absences.

Expulsion means the student is not allowed to continue as a student at Utah International Charter School.  If expulsion is a possible consequence, the student and parent will have an opportunity to meet with the principal and another staff member to hear and read the evidence of wrong-doing and the reasons for the decision to expel, and to have an opportunity to be heard.  Decisions to expel a student may be appealed in writing to the Utah International School Board. A written appeal must be delivered to the Board through the school office within 7 days of the decision and include reasons for the appeal.  Decisions of the Board are final.

An expelled student in some cases may be allowed to continue to be a student at Utah International if the student and parent follow specific requirements designed to prevent the behavior from recurring and address underlying problems.

Utah International is required to expel students for the following reasons (these are “safe schools violations”):

  1. Possession, control, or actual or threatened use of a real weapon, explosive, noxious or flammable material.

  2. Actual or threatened use of a look-alike weapon with intent to intimidate a person or disrupt school activities.

  3. Sale, control, or distribution of a drug or controlled substance or drug paraphernalia.

  4. Use of force or threat of force which if committed by an adult would be a felony or class A misdemeanor.

Utah International may suspend in school, suspend out of school, or expel students for the following reasons:

  1. Frequent or flagrant willful disobedience, defiance, or disruptive behavior or vulgar or abusive language.

  2. Willful destruction or defacing of school property.

  3. Any behavior that poses an immediate and significant threat to the welfare, safety, or morals of other students or staff (this may include behavior such as bullying and harassment, fighting, threatening to fight, theft, and smoking).

  4. Possession, control, or use of alcohol or other drugs.

  5. Possession or use of pornography on school property.