In Case of Covid-19

Please inform the school secretary or the principal right away if your child or anyone in your household tests positive for covid-19. It may take a week for the health department to do contact tracing. We can do it faster and prevent additional spread of the infection. We will use seating charts and other records to determine whether other students or staff have had a close contact with your student, and we will notify the parents of any close contact. We will not identify the sick person or share any medical information without your consent.

If your child tests positive for covid-19, keep him home until your doctor or the health department tells you it’s OK for him or her to return to school. If your child feels well, he or she can attend classes remotely during this period.

If someone in your household tests positive for COVID-19, you will need to keep your child at home for 14 day or as instructed by the health department. Your child can attend classes remotely during this period.

“Close contact” is defined as being closer than 6 feet for 15 minutes or longer to a person who tests positive for covid-19, up to 48 hours before symptoms appear. If we think your child has had a close contact at school with someone who tests positive, we or the health department will call you. In this case, you should keep your child at home for 14 days. You don’t have to quarantine the rest of your family. Your child can attend classes remotely during this period.

The health department is usually not closing schools if someone gets covid-19. If this does happen because of a large number of cases or a high rate of disease in the community, we will announce the closure on the website and social media and we will try to call and email your family.

The best way to avoid spreading the infection it to wear masks, stay 6 feet apart as much as possible, and keep our hands very clean, in case someone is carrying the virus without knowing it. If we all take these two steps, we can all stay healthy and stay in school!